Tuesday, January 9, 2007

A Semester of Anticipation

Well, School is in session tomorrow. I don't have class tomorrow though but I think I have to go to chapel. It's my last semester of college, last 4 months of school, period. Wow. How crazy is that? I only have 12 hours of class but only three classes that meet in a classroom. I have a independent study class in black and white photography and I have American Government that is correspondence.

Those classes only meet on tuesday and thursday so I plan on working at Avcom Productions Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Except that I have to go to one chapel a week being a part time student. That is kind of my plan in a nutshell.

Today I found out that I have to start saving my money more than I have been. This semester I foresee no major expenses
but I had plans on buying a new apple computer before I graduate in a effort to retain educational discount opportunities. Now today Apple, Inc. announced that they are making a cell phone called the iPhone. I have been following the rumors of what Apple would release today for quite a while. There have been many rumors of all kinds. People guessing anything they would imagine. (Picture of some of the concept phones).

But I believe today Apple moved up in its rank in the business world today. The iPhone will be an iPod/Cell Phone/Internet Machine all in one. It is very innovative and quite frankly I want one. I told many of my friends that if Apple came out with a true video iPod I would buy one, this is much more than that, and I won't hesitate to buy the first generation. They are going to be really expensive though. Good thing that it didn't come out today because I probably would not have been able to afford it, nor would a lot of people. But it doesn't start shipping until June therefore everyone and their kid can save up and buy one. I can't even imagine the Play-Station 3 type frenzy that will happen. So that is yet another thing to save my money for.

But then I also have to come up with money to get to Maryland on May 17 for my friends Mike and Jenni's wedding. I figure tha
t if I am going to be two hours of New York I might as well go there since I have never been. So... I have to save major money for that. Needless to say my semester will be tight. I make good enough money at Avcom and if I use my Dave Ramsey instinct I will have the money for all of that by then end of February.

All and all I think this semester will be the best yet and will have more memories than I can imagine.

By the way Apple announced several other things today. Check them out at apple.com or use this link to see Steve Jobs talk about them.

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