Thursday, February 15, 2007

Peanut Butter Mice

The secret to my success with mice has been my magic peanut butter. Turns out the peanut butter I have been using has been recalled today because of suspected e coli. your peanut butter could be as well, if it starts with the numbers on the lid, 2111. We could return the peanut butter and get a refund even though most of it is gone or...
we could continue to use it on these mice. Welp, I guess you know my choice.

Our new total is 45. It has slowed down dramatically in the past few days, but the peanut butter is still being eaten off the traps.
Here are some rather dramatic photos. Before you go down any further, be aware these photos are of dead mice. No blood, no guts, but all rather interesting.

Monday, February 12, 2007

Oh, NO More Mice!

Sunday we could 4 and Just this morning there were 3 more. That brings the grand total now up to 42 mice. WOW! I think we might have been infested, or we are trapping the entire neighborhood group.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

The Great Mouse Hunt

That special surprise that I promised is here.
I posted this video on YouTube. Tell all your friends.

Warning: This video might not be suitable for rodent lovers or small children.
Note: These mice were not household pets... they were destroying our home.

Friday, February 9, 2007


As of the end of the day on Friday our mice totals are 35. Only one has been caught today.
My conclusions are that we are getting to the end. If there are any left they are few. The weather has been warm this week, early in the week, and since has gotten extremely cold. Somehow I see the weather effecting the about of mice we had.
Sunday is supposed to be warm, so it will be a day to test my theory.

Stay tuned.

Thursday, February 8, 2007


For all those of you who are keeping tabs on my Mouse adventure let me update you and explain a bit.
The total is now 31.

I have four mouse traps with lots of peanut butter running round the clock. And let's just say the results have been MUCH more than expected.

Let's be careful to clarify that Mice are rodents and have been destroying parts of our home to the point were something needed to be done. Mice in groups are very destructive therefore Matthew, the exterminator, had to be called.

I have some pretty awesome pictures and maybe a little surprise or two to go along with that.

Please stay glued to this blog for updates on totals and that special surprise coming later.

Update: Friday AM: New totals are 35 mice.

Tuesday, February 6, 2007

WARNING: Rodents are being harmed

10 MICE and counting....
Stay tuned.

Update: 11 and counting. Pictures coming soon...

Wednesday Morning
Update: 16 and counting

Wednesday Evening 11pm.
Count is now at 19.
Photos coming this weekend. Stay tuned.

Oh, let's bump that up to 21 at 12:19am.
Peanut Butter and Mice such a lovely thought.